Branding is one of the last areas of marketing to defy measurement/analytics, but that's all changing.

More and more, companies are using brand measurement programs to inform their entire marketing strategies and look for new ways to gain market share in an increasingly disrupted and distracted world.

This Encyclopedia of Brand Metrics contains more than a hundred different brand and category-level metrics that you can use in your company’s brand measurement program.

Metrics are divided into these main categories:

  • Awareness – Do people know the brand exists?
  • Experience – How do they feel about the brand?
  • Intent – Do they intend to use it in the future?
  • Perceptions – What associations do people have with the brand?
  • Preference – Which brands do they prefer?
  • Usage – Which brands do they use?
  • Category – Metrics specific to the product category

In each section, you’ll learn about what each metric measures and the method by which they are calculated:

  • Question – Metrics are derived by including this question in a brand measurement study and then calculating the
    metrics based on the consumer responses
  • Calculation – These metrics are derived through simple mathematical equations
  • Social Media – These metrics rely on listening to social media activity about a brand
  • Analytics Tool – These metrics are derived from third-party analytics tools that measure niche aspects of a brand.

And while there are many different brand metrics, there are only a few brand key performance indicators (KPI). Each category of brand metrics features a handful of KPI, indicated with *.

Brandata recommends that most brand measurement studies include KPI’s and a handful of other metrics featured within the Encyclopedia of Brand Metrics, depending on the unique goals and objectives the brand has for growth.

For more help creating your own brand measurement program, check out Brandata’s Complete Brand Measurement Guide.

Lastly, download our Encyclopedia of Brand Metrics for free and keep it handy as you begin to plan your brand measurement journey.

Awareness Brand Metrics

Awareness is the first step in growing a brand. Studies find that consumers show an overwhelming preference for high awareness brands despite quality and price differentials. Here are the awareness metrics you should know about.

Recognition (Aided Awareness)*

Brand recognition (or aided awareness) measures the portion of the market that can identify a brand when prompted with a list of brands.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which  company do you recognize?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Campaign Awareness

Brand campaign awareness measures the percentage of respondents that have heard of a brand's campaign.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Have you heard of the <brand's> campaign?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Dilution

Brand dilution is a measurement of the decrease in the power of a brand, such as when one company has many brands to manage simultaneously.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand dilution is a weighted comparison of the brand power of a brand with competing brands in the category.
Metric Method: Calculation

Brand Frequency

Brand frequency is a measure of how often consumers hear about a given brand across all forms of media.
Metric Question (or how calculated): In the last year, how often have you heard about ?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Message Recall

Brand message recall is a measure of the percentage of respondents that recall which brand uses a particular message in its advertisements.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which of the following  use the following message in its ads?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Power

Brand power is the force a particular brand has to dominate its category though the magnitude of its recognition.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand power is a direct comparison of the recognition (aided awareness) of a brand with competing brands in the category.
Metric Method: Calculation

Brand Recency

Brand recency measures the portion of the target market that recalls hearing about a brand in a recent time period (i.e in the last month).
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which of the following brands do you recall hearing about in the last month?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Salience

Salience is the degree by which your brand is thought of or noticed by consumers when they make a purchase decision.
Metric Question (or how calculated): To what degree did you consider <brand> the last time you purchased <category>?
Metric Method: Calculation

Brand Specific Knowledge OR Brand Differentiation

Brand specific knowledge, or brand differentiation, is a measurement of respondents attitudes about what differentiates a brand's products or services from its competitors.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What features or characteristics distinguish <brand's> products from its competitors? OR What features or characteristics distinguish <brand's> services from its competitors?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Stature

Brand stature is a measurement of the power of a brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand stature is a direct comparison of the brand power of a brand with competing brands in the category.
Metric Method: Calculation

Branded Mentions

Social mentions measures how well your campaigns are doing to generate conversation around your brand. It is a measure of the frequency your brand is mentioned.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Go on channels where your customers are and start tracking what they're saying about your brand. Take note of the frequency your brand is mentioned as much as subject and comments about you. Seeing no brand mentions is equally important feedback.
Metric Method: Social Media

Branded Traffic

Branded traffic refers to the total volume of searches in search engines in a given time frame that contain a brand's trademarked term(s). (e.g., Google Ads keyword trends or Google Trends)
Metric Question (or how calculated): Use Google Ads Keyword Tool, Google Trends, or similar tool to track search volumes for your brand and its top competitors over time.
Metric Method: Analytics Tool

Effective Frequency

Effective frequency is the ideal number of times a consumer needs to be exposed to a brand before taking action, but before the exposure to the brand is considered wasteful.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Effective frequency is calculated as the number of time a respondent must see an advertisement in order to register the campaign message.
Metric Method: Calculation

Recall (Unaided Awareness)

Brand recall (or unaided awareness) measures the portion of the market that can identify a brand when unprompted but provided a category.
Metric Question (or how calculated): When it comes to  what brands come to mind?
Metric Method: Question

Recall Source

Recall source measures where a target market recalls hearing about a brand in the past (i.e. in the last month, or in the last year, etc.).
Metric Question (or how calculated): In the last year, where do you recall hearing about ?
Metric Method: Question

Research Source

Brand research measures where respondents look for information about a brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Where do you learn about ?
Metric Method: Question

Share of Voice

Share of voice measures how your brand stacks up against competitors in terms of visibility and how much of the conversation you control around your industry.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Look at the volume of your brand or product mentions versus competitors' on social media.
Metric Method: Social Media

Spontaneous Brand Awareness

Spontaneous brand awareness is when a brand is mentioned in a post, blog, or video, without any given prompts.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Calculated as the number of times a brand is mentioned in a post, blog, video, given particular search term(s) over a specified period of time.
Metric Method: Calculation

Standard Brand Ad Recall

Standard brand ad recall measures when respondents last recall seeing an ad for a particular brand, during a specified time period.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Do you recall seeing an ad for  online, in the last week?
Metric Method: Question

Top-of-Mind Awareness

Top-of-mind awareness is a measure of which brand or brands are the first to come to mind when respondents see or hear a particular campaign slogan.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which of the following  comes to mind first when you think of ?
Metric Method: Question

Unaided Brand Ad Recall

Unaided brand ad recall measures which brands respondents' have seen advertisements for, during a specified time period.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which of the following  have you seen advertised in the last week?
Metric Method: Question

Experience Brand Metrics

Experience brand metrics measure the direct encounters consumers have brands and quantify these feelings and observations. There's a strong positive correlation between brand awareness and salience with company revenue and market share. Here are the brand experience metrics you should know about.

Brand Sentiment*

Brand sentiment measures the portion of a market with positive, negative, neutral, and mixed affiliations with a brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How does  make you feel? (Options provided)
Metric Method: Question

Brand Characteristics

Brand characteristics is a measurement of what respondents feel are the best characteristics or aspects of a brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What are the best characteristics/aspects about ?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Emotion

Brand emotions are respondents' description of a how brand makes them feel, using their own words.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How does  make you feel? (Open-ended)
Metric Method: Question

Brand Engagement

Brand engagement is a measure of how many people interact with the brand's social media content.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Count up the total number of likes, comments, shares, etc. for the social media posts for a brand and then divide by the total number of social media posts for the brand.
Metric Method: Social Media

Brand Experience

Brand experience is a cumulative measure of all the sensations, feeling, thoughts, and actions evoked by a brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand experience is calculated as a cumulative metric, made up of sentiment, respondent memorable experience, and purchase or use of service history.
Metric Method: Calculation

Brand Identity

Brand identity is a measure of the visible and distinguishing aspects of a brand, such as design and logo.
Metric Question (or how calculated): With which of the following brands do you associate these <unique design characteristics or <brand logo or colors>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Logo Alignment with Values

Brand logo alignment with values is a measurement of how well respondents feel a logo best represents a brand's values.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which logo option do you feel best represents <brand's> values?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Ethics

Brand ethics measure whether or not a brand is the type of brand that respondents feel good about and would consider supporting.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Is  a brand that you feel good about? Do you feel comfortable supporting ?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Identification

Brand identification is a measure of how well respondents feel their personal values, or those of their company, correspond with those of a given brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Do you feel that your personal values correspond well with <brand's> values? OR Do you feel that your company's values correspond well with <brand's> values?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Logo Reaction

Brand logo reaction is measure if the brand logo's appeal when compared to alternate versions or competitors' logos.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which logo option appeals most to you?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Product Improvement

Brand product improvement is a measurement of how respondents feel a brand could improve its products.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What, if anything, do you think could improve <brand's> products? OR How can  do better?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Messaging

Brand messaging is a measurement of respondents opinion of the clarity of product messaging or the messaging associated with a brand's services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Is the product messaging for unambiguous and straightforward? OR Is the messaging for <brand's> services unambiguous and straightforward?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Opinions

Brand opinions measures respondents' rating of a brand's particular function, such as a company's ability to help employees with a list of criteria.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What's your opinion of <brand's> ability to help employees with the following? OR To what extent does the  meet the needs of the following groups of people?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Promise

Brand promise is a measure of how well respondents feel a brand's products or services fulfill the intended function, as stipulated on the brand's website etc.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How well do you feel <brand's> products fulfill the intended function, as specified by the brand? OR How well do you feel <brand's> services fulfill the intended function, as specified by the brand?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Service Improvement

Brand service improvement is a measurement of how respondents feel a brand could improve its services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What, if anything, do you think could improve <brand's> services? OR How can <brand> do better?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Values

Brand values is a measurement of which values respondents feel best represent a brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which values do you feel best represent <brand>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Trend-Setting

Brand trend-setting is a measurement of the degree to which respondents feel a brand is setting the trends in its industry.
Metric Question (or how calculated): To what extent do you agree or disagree that  is setting the trends in <industry>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Uniqueness

Brand uniqueness is a measure off the degree to which respondents feel that a brand separates itself from its competitors.
Metric Question (or how calculated): To what degree do you agree or disagree that <brand> is different than <other brands>?
Metric Method: Question

Performance Rating

Performance rating measures a brand's performance across numerous criteria.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How would you rate <brand> along each of the following criteria?
Metric Method: Question

Intent Brand Metrics

Intent brand metrics measure the likelihood of a consumer to use, purchase, apply, etc. a brand, product, or service. In-market consideration is one of the biggest predictive factors of brand growth.

Purchase Intent

Purchase intent is a measurement of the likelihood potential customers will buy your brand's products or services, during a given time period.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How likely would you be to purchase <brand's> products, in the next six months? OR How likely would you be to purchase <brand's> services, in the next six months? OR Will you buy <brand> next time you shop for <product or service>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Future Purchase Intent

Brand future purchase intent is a measure of the proportion of respondents that intend to purchase a brand's products or services in the future.
Metric Question (or how calculated):Which <brand or brands'> products do you intend to purchase in the future? OR Which <brand or brands'> services do you intend to purchase in the future?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Future Usage Intent

Brand future usage intent is a measure of the proportion of respondents that intend to use a brand's products or services in the future.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which <brand or brands'> products do you intend to use in the future? OR Which <brand or brands'> services do you intend to use in the future?
Metric Method: Question

Likelihood to Apply to Brand

Likelihood to apply to brand measures how likely respondents in a market are to apply for work or education etc. at a particular brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How likely are you to consider working for ?
Metric Method: Question

Likelihood to Purchase Brand

Likelihood to purchase brand measures how likely respondents in a market are to consider purchasing a brand's products.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How likely would you be to consider purchasing <brand's> products?
Metric Method: Question

Purchase Intent

Purchase intent is a measurement of the likelihood potential customers will buy your brand's products or services, during a given time period.
Metric Question (or how calculated):How likely would you be to purchase <brand's> products, in the next six months? OR How likely would you be to purchase <brand's> services, in the next six months?OR Will you buy  next time you shop for <product or service>?
Metric Method: Question

Likelihood to Use Brand

Likelihood to use brand measures how likely respondents in a market are to consider utilizing a brand's services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How likely would you be to consider utilizing <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Perceptions Brand Metrics

Perception brand metrics are similar to experience metrics, but differ because perceptions don't have to involve actual encounters with the brand. These metrics can be just as or even more important than experience metrics so they shouldn't be ignored.

Brand Association*

Brand association measures the extent to which respondents agree with statements about a particular brand or brands.
Metric Question (or how calculated): To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about ?
Metric Method: Question

Abstract Brand Favorability

Abstract brand favorability measures a respondent's overall opinion of a brand, after having had direct experiences with the brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How would you describe your overall opinion of ?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Affinity

Brand affinity is a measure of respondents words that come to mind when thinking about a brand or brand's products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What words or ideas come to mind when thinking about <brand>? OR What words or ideas come to mind when thinking about <brand's> products? OR What words or ideas come to mind when thinking about <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Animal

Brand animal is a measurement of abstract values attributed to a brand by survey respondents.
Metric Question (or how calculated): If  was an animal, what animal would <brand> be?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Expectations

Brand expectations is a measure of whether or not respondents feel that a brand's products or services will meet their expectations.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Do you feel that <brand's> products will meet your expectations? OR Do you feel that <brand's> services will meet your expectations?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Familiarity

Brand familiarity refers to lower order cognitive associations we have with brands that involve our perceptions, but not direct experiences.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How familiar are you with <brand>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Favorability

Brand favorability measures a consumer's judgments in the higher-minded areas of quality, superiority, consideration, and personality after having had direct experiences with the brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How would you describe your opinion of <brand>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Friendship

Brand friendship is a measurement of abstract values attributed to a brand by survey respondents.
Metric Question (or how calculated): If  was going to have friends, what other brands would be its friends?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Image Description

Brand image description is a measurement of how respondents view a brand's image, using the respondent's own words.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What words would you use to describe <brand’s> image?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Impression

Brand impression is a measure of how respondents perceive a brand and which products or services they associate with the brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Calculated on a scale from "Strongly disagree" to "Strongly agree". To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about ?
Metric Method: Calculated

Brand Hangout

Brand hangout is a measurement of abstract values attributed to a brand by survey respondents.
Metric Question (or how calculated): If  was going out, where would  go to hang out?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Improvement

Brand improvement is a measurement of how respondents feel a brand could be improved.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What, if anything, do you think could improve <brand>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Innovation

Brand innovation is a measurement of how respondents view the innovativeness of a brand's products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How innovative do you feel <brand's> products are compared to its competitors? OR How innovative do you feel <brand's> services are compared to its competitors?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Logo Target Audience Appeal

Brand logo target audience appeal is a measure of how respondents feel that a brand's logo appeals to a target audience.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How well does the  logo appeal to ?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Message Association

Brand message association is a measure of the percentage of respondents that connect a particular brand with a particular message or slogan.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which brand do you most associate with ?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Personality

Brand personality is a measure of the feeling that respondents have about a brand's products or services, in contrast from what the products or services actually do or provide.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How do you feel about <brand's> products' ability to ? OR How do you feel about <brand's> services' ability to <distinctive service solution>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Reliability

Brand reliability is a measure of respondents view of a brand's products' or services' ability to provide a quality experience repeatedly.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Does this <brand's> products look like they will provide a quality experience repeatedly? OR Do <brand's> services seem like they will provide a quality experience time and time again?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Insistence

Brand insistence is a measurement of respondents with the highest levels of brand loyalty.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand insistence is calculated as the percentage of respondents in the highest category(s) or level(s) of brand loyalty.
Metric Method: Calculation

Purchase Consideration

Purchase consideration measures what respondents see as the most important factors when considering purchasing a brand's products or using their services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which factors are the most important considerations when purchasing a <brand's> products? OR Which factors are the most important considerations when using a <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Negative Brand Image Description

Negative brand image description is a measurement of how respondents feel a brand would not like to be viewed.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What words would  not want used to describe <brand’s> image?
Metric Method: Question

Net Promoter Score (or NPS)

Net Promoter Score®, or NPS®, measures customer experience and predicts business growth.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How likely is it that you would recommend  to a friend or colleague?
Metric Method: Calculation

Preference Brand Metrics

Brand preference metrics measure how well the brand is performing relative to itself and other brands. All other branding efforts work together to collectively determine how consumers will ultimately judge a brand. Here are the metrics to help you measure preference.

Brand Preference*

Preference refers to the number of consumers who would rather purchase a product or service from Brand A over all the others out there.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which  do you prefer? OR Which of the following  appeals to you the most?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Advertisement Attractiveness

Brand advertisement attractiveness is a measurement of respondents' level of agreement that a brand's advertisement attracted them to purchase its products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Do you agree that <brand's> advertisement on  attracted you to purchase its products? OR Do you agree that <brand's> advertisement on  attracted you to purchase its services?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Appeal

Brand appeal asks consumers to rate their level of appeal for brands, as if they were to personally consider using that brand's services or purchasing their products, etc.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Please rate the appeal of each of the following brands?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Advocacy

Brand advocacy is a measurement of the respondents that give referrals to a brand's products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Calculated as Net Promoter Score and social mentions and sentiment.
Metric Method: Calculation

Brand Attractiveness

Brand attractiveness is a metric created by respondents rating the level of attractiveness of a brand's products or services (on a scale), as if they were personally considering purchasing its products or using its services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Please rate the attractiveness of each of the following brands as if you were personally considering purchasing their product. OR Please rate the attractiveness of each of the following brands as if you were personally considering using their services.
Metric Method: Question

Brand Competitors

Brand competitors is a measurement of the responses to an open-ended question about which competitors, if any, a respondent considering the products and services offered by a brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which competitors, if any, did you consider when shopping for products offered by <brand>? OR Which competitors, if any, did you consider when shopping for services offered by <brand>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Love

Brand love is a measure of the emotional relationship between a satisfied customer and a brand or brand's products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand love is a cumulative metric calculated by taking into account brand preference, loyalty, and demand.
Metric Method: Question

Brand Conviction

Brand conviction is a measure of the attitude or attachment respondents have toward a particular brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Please describe why you having been using <brand's> products for <time period>. OR Please describe why you having been using <brand's> services for <time period>.
Metric Method: Question

Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty is a measurement of the degree to which a respondent recognizes, prefers, and demands a particular brand. It is the percentage of respondents that remain loyal to a brand over an extended period of time.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How long have you been using <brand's> products? OR How long have you been using <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Parity

Brand parity is a measure of the similarity of one brand to another, or how brands differentiate themselves with marketing, advertising, and sales promotions.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which of the following brands' advertising campaigns do you consider the most unique and memorable?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Product Satisfaction

Brand product satisfaction is measure of how satisfied respondents are with a brand's products, using a satisfaction rating scale.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How satisfied are you with <brand's> products?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Performance

Brand performance measure a brand's preference in relation to preference for competing brands.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand performance is a direct comparison of the preference of a brand with competing brands
in the category.
Metric Method: Calculation

Brand Service Satisfaction

Brand service satisfaction is measure of how satisfied respondents are with a brand's services, using a satisfaction rating scale.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How satisfied are you with <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Strength

Brand strength is a measurement of the proportion of product-markets in which the company has the leading brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand strength is the proportion or percentage of markets in which the targeted brand is the market leading brand.
Metric Method: Calculation

Employee Satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is a measurement of a brand's departmental and organizational health.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How satisfied are you with  as your current employer?
Metric Method: Question

Usage Brand Metrics

Brand usage metrics help quantify how frequently and heavily a brand is used by consumers. These metrics are great for determining the growth of the brand's market share within a category and the category's growth as a whole.

Brand Demand*

Demand refers to the portion of the market that is currently or has recently been a customer of a given brand.
Metric Question (or how calculated): When was the last time you purchased from <brand>? OR When was the last time you used a <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Actual Usage

Brand actual usage measures how frequently respondents use a brand's products or services and how many people are using the products or services within the organization.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How frequently do you use <brand's> products? How many people in your organization use the products purchases from <brand>? OR How frequently do you use <brand's> services? How many people in your organization use the services purchased from <brand>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Equity

Brand equity is a measurement of the added value a brand's products or services receive from having a high level of brand awareness.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How likely are you to pay more for <brand's> product versus the generic version?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Promiscuity

Brand promiscuity is a measurement of consumer buying behavior displaying a marked absence of brand loyalty.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Brand promiscuity is measured as the percentage of respondents that have purchased a brand's products, or used their services, as well as its competitors', during a given time period.
Metric Method: Calculation

Brand Share

Brand share is measure of respondents that are using products or services similar to a brand's, but from competitors.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Are you using products from other companies that are similar to <brand's>? OR Are you using services from other companies that are similar to <brand's>?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Product Features

Brand product features is a measure of what features influenced respondents to choose a brand's products over its competitor's products.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What product features influenced you to choose <brand's> products over a competitor's?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Purchase Frequency

Brand purchase frequency is a measure of prior usage of a brand's products or services and the frequency at which respondents are purchasing these products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Do you purchase <brand's> products often? If so, how often do you purchase <brand's> products? OR Do you purchase <brand's> services often? If so, how often do you purchase <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Service Features

Brand service features is a measure of what features influenced respondents to choose a brand's services over its competitor's services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What service features influenced you to choose <brand's> services over a competitor's?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Usage

Brand usage is metric which measures the use of a brand when multiple brand options are available.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Thinking back to the last time you used <category>, which brand did you use?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Solutions

Brand solutions is a measure what respondents say are the problems that they are trying to solve by using a brand's products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What problem or problems are you trying to solve by using <brand's> products? OR What problem or problems are you trying to solve by using <brand's> services? OR Can our product or service improve your life?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Timing of Usage

Brand timing of usage is a measure of when respondents say they or other people within their organization use a brand's products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): When do you or people in your organization use <brand's> products? OR When do you or people in your organization use <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Vitality

Brand vitality is a measurement of the current and future growth potential of a brand, as well as how a brand's products or services fit the needs of their customers.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How well does  fit your needs when it comes to <product solution>? OR How well does  fit your needs when it comes to <product solution>?
Metric Method: Question

Purchase Reasoning

Purchase Reasoning measures the primary reasons why the target market consumers purchase a brand's products or use its services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What are the primary reasons why someone might purchase <brand's> products? OR What are the primary reasons why someone might use <brand's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Category-Level Brand Metrics

In addition to brand metrics, marketers should also be asking a series of questions related to the brand's category as well. These metrics will help you get a broader perspective on the industry that you can't get by just measuring the brand itself.

Category Current Satisfaction*

Category current satisfaction is a measurement of how satisfied respondents are with an industry's current products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How satisfied are you with the <industry's> current services?OR How satisfied are you with the <industry's> current products?
Metric Method: Question

Category Intent*

Category intent is a measure of how likely respondents are to continue to use an industry service or product over a given time period.
Metric Question (or how calculated): On average, how many times per month are you likely to use  service? OR How many times in the next month are you likely to use  product?
Metric Method: Question

Category Utility*

Category utility is a measure of how respondents perceive a industry's particular products, or services, are able to make their lives easier.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How important is it for  services to help you do the following things? OR How important is it for  products to help you do the following things?
Metric Method: Question

Category Usage*

Category usage measures often the targeted industry is utilized.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How often do you use <category>?
Metric Method: Question

Category Bargain Price

Category bargain price is a measurement of the price at which respondents feel a product or service is a bargain.
Metric Question (or how calculated): At what price do you think the product is a bargain? OR At what price do you think the service is a bargain?
Metric Method: Question

Category Confidence

Category Confidence measures consumer opinion of an industry by asking about change in personal confidence level.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How has your confidence in the <industry> changed in the recent weeks, if at all?
Metric Method: Question

Category Current Concerns

Category current concerns measures the top concerns for respondents at the current time.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which of the concerns listed are currently most pressing for you?
Metric Method: Question

Category Consideration

Category consideration is a measurement of respondents' opinion in regards to an industry-specific consideration question.
Metric Question (or how calculated): In a few words, how would you describe  to work in?
Metric Method: Question

Category Considerations

Category considerations is a measurement of what respondents feel are the best characteristics or aspects of an industry.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What are the best characteristics/aspects about ?
Metric Method: Question

Category High Price

Category high price is a measurement of the price at which respondents feel a product or service is expensive.
Metric Question (or how calculated): At what price do you think the product is too expensive to purchase? OR At what price do you think the service is too expensive to purchase?
Metric Method: Question

Category Current Satisfaction

Category current satisfaction is a measurement of how satisfied respondents are with an industry's current products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How satisfied are you with the <industry's> current services? OR How satisfied are you with the <industry's> current products?
Metric Method: Question

Category Distribution Preferences

Category distribution preference is measurement of highly respondents rank places they shop for products or services by order preference.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Calculated by asking respondents to rank the different places they go to purchase products or services, by order preference.
Metric Method: Calculation

Category Intent

Category intent is a measure of how likely respondents are to continue to use an industry service or product over a given time period.
Metric Question (or how calculated): On average, how many times per month are you likely to use <industry> service? OR How many times in the next month are you likely to use <industry> product?
Metric Method: Question

Category Preference

Category preference is a measurement of respondents' preferred industry products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What’s your preferred <industry> product? OR What’s your preferred <industry> service?
Metric Method: Question

Category Most Memorable Experience

Category most memorable experience is a measurement of respondents' personal experiences (good or bad) using an industry's particular service or product.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Describe your most memorable experience (good or bad) using a <industry> service. OR Describe your most memorable experience (good or bad) using a <industry> product. OR Thinking back to your most <industry> product purchase, which of the following scenarios
most accurately describes your experience?
Metric Method: Question

Category Needs

Category needs is a measurement of how respondents rate importance of certain category aspects, for example when considering working at a company in a particular industry.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How important are each of the following to you when considering a company in <industry>? OR Rank the following needs in terms of importance to you.
Metric Method: Question

Category Pain Points

Category pain points is a measurement what respondents see as the biggest drawbacks to the current industry products or services offered in the target category.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What are the biggest pain points with the current <industry> products? OR What are the biggest pain points with the current <industry> services?
Metric Method: Question

Category Purchase Consideration

Category purchase consideration measures how consumers weight different factors when planning a purchase.
Metric Question (or how calculated): Which factors are important when considering <industry>?
Metric Method: Question

Category Questionable Price

Category questionable price is a measurement of the price at which respondents feel a product or service is priced so low that they begin to question its quality.
Metric Question (or how calculated): At what price do you think the product is priced so low that you question its quality?
Metric Method: Question

Category Regulation

Category regulation is a measure of how respondents feel industry products or services should be regulated in order to provide maximum benefit for consumers in a targeted market.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How should  services be regulated in order to maximize benefits to <target market>? OR How should  products be regulated in order to maximize benefits to <target market>?
Metric Method: Question

Category Resistance

Category resistance is a measurement of the top reasons why people might not use an industry's products or services.
Metric Question (or how calculated): What are the biggest reasons people might not use <industry's> products? OR What are the biggest reasons people might not use <industry's> services?
Metric Method: Question

Category Situational Usage

Category situational usage measures in which situations respondents would be most likely to use a particular industry product or service.
Metric Question (or how calculated):In which situations would you be most likely to use an <industry's> product?OR In which situations would you be most likely to use an <industry'> service?
Metric Method: Question

Category Usage

Category usage measures often the targeted industry is utilized.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How often do you use <industry>?
Metric Method: Question

Likelihood to Apply to Category

Likelihood to apply to category measures how likely respondents are to apply for a job in the targeted industry.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How likely are you to apply for a job in the  in the next year?
Metric Method: Question

Category Utility

Category utility is a measure of how respondents perceive a industry's particular products, or services, are able to make their lives easier.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How important is it for <industry> services to help you do the following things? OR How important is it for <industry> products to help you do the following things?
Metric Method: Question

Likelihood to Purchase Category

Likelihood to purchase category measures how likely respondents are to purchase a product or service in a targeted industry, over a specified time period.
Metric Question (or how calculated): How likely are you to purchase <industry> product in the next year? OR How likely are you to purchase <industry> service in the next year?
Metric Method: Question

Brand Metrics, In Closing

Is there a metric we missed? Let us know in the comments. For more help creating your own brand measurement program, check out Brandata’s Complete Brand Measurement Guide.